online class library
moving meditation
Settle your body and your mind. This practice explores longer holds of postures coupled with specific drishti (gaze) points for your eyes to bring steadiness and calm.
draw in, expand out
In this practice you'll focus on energetically drawing inward and expanding outward from the joints and core. Work through stability work that leads into side plank pose, and front body stretches that prepare for camel pose.
jump around
This class is an invitation to bring dynamic movement to your practice through the exploration of jumping. Jumping forward, jump switching the legs in lunging, and an opportunity to try handstand hops.
moving from the kidneys
This practice explores moving with awareness of the kidneys. By focusing on this area, we create space around the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of stress hormones.
awaken the headstad
Awaken the shoulders and the core in this class that leads towards dolphin and headstand. Even if upside-down is not your jam, you’ll find some valuable strengthening work in this one.
functional flow
A vinyasa class that incorporates functional hip hinging, lunges, squats, and rotational movements. Strength and stretch!
grounded and centered
A class that focuses on the journey inward. Breathwork, sun salutes, and sequences to cultivate a connection to feeling grounded and centered. Hip openers, binds, an arm balance and some backbends.
progressive overload
In this class you'll explore various ways to build strength through adding "load" to your yoga postures. Hip openers and core work will prepare you for 8 crooked angle pose, a fun arm balance.
range of motion exploration
In this practice, we’ll explore the difference between active and passive range of motion. Move through hip strengthening and balance sequences that lead to standing hand to big toe pose.
first stand
In this class you’ll work though standing hip mobility and strengthening work, followed by floor based spine and shoulder mobility drills.
maha sequence
This vinyasa practice moves through warm-up, mobility and a "maha" sequence that strings 10 standing postures together successively.
flying high
Hip mobility and hip strength are explored through mobility and standing poses in an effort to capture flying pigeon pose.
power moves
Hip hinging, balance poses, and core strengthening are abundant in this class which works towards jumping from down dog to seated, and single legged backbends.
This practice switches back and forth between sections of mobility, followed by sections of yoga postures. Gain mobility skills that inform the postures through thoughtfully designed mini sequences.
closing and opening
This class explores sequences that close the front of the body in spinal flexion, and open the front of the body in spinal extension.
dolphin swim
Move through hamstring and shoulder opening, coupled with core compression drills that lead into a stable exploration of dolphin pose.
active range of motion
Work strengthening the hips through standing postures and active range of motion mobility drills.