online class library
foundational flowing
No surprises in this one. Basic sun salutes, standing poses, backbends and twists. A well rounded foundational practice.
moving meditation
Settle your body and your mind. This practice explores longer holds of postures coupled with specific drishti (gaze) points for your eyes to bring steadiness and calm.
get hip to this
Do your hips need a little TLC? This short but sweet hip mobility class will do the trick.
move into joy
A class that asks you to cast aside your ideas about optimal alignment, yoga rules, and perfect and instead find delight and joy in moment.
floor flow
This short but sweet class works with keeping the center of gravity low while exploring hip opening and backbend poses.
360 degree breathing
In this class we'll explore the dynamics of intra-abdominal breathing as a tool for accessing the deep core. Move through twists and hip openers to prepare for the arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasana using props.
i’m feeling good - hip edition
This short and simple sequence weaves together hip opening postures that will leave your hips singing "I'm feeeeeling good".
hip dominant mobility
You'll need a yoga block and a hand towel for this mobility class that explores active and passive range of motion movements for the hip joints.
trust yourself
Cultivating trust in your body's ability to find balance is the intention behind this hip opening and core stabilizing practice.
draw in, expand out
In this practice you'll focus on energetically drawing inward and expanding outward from the joints and core. Work through stability work that leads into side plank pose, and front body stretches that prepare for camel pose.
get the wiggles out
This vinyasa class is all about nervous system down regulation. Use the tools of wiggling, shaking and rhythmic movements to find calm in the body and the mind.
more multi-planar moves
Being able to change planes of movement increases our agility, balance and strength. This class explores sequences that move the body rotationally, side to side and forward and back.
jump around
This class is an invitation to bring dynamic movement to your practice through the exploration of jumping. Jumping forward, jump switching the legs in lunging, and an opportunity to try handstand hops.
moving from the kidneys
This practice explores moving with awareness of the kidneys. By focusing on this area, we create space around the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of stress hormones.
awaken the headstad
Awaken the shoulders and the core in this class that leads towards dolphin and headstand. Even if upside-down is not your jam, you’ll find some valuable strengthening work in this one.
let the breath guide you
In this class the primary focus moving fluidly with the breath. A short but sweet practice to invigorate you!
functional flow
A vinyasa class that incorporates functional hip hinging, lunges, squats, and rotational movements. Strength and stretch!
back stronger
This 50 minute class explores igniting the muscles along the back of the body. Sequence includes back bends, and movements to strengthen the hips and hamstrings.