online class library
draw in, expand out
In this practice you'll focus on energetically drawing inward and expanding outward from the joints and core. Work through stability work that leads into side plank pose, and front body stretches that prepare for camel pose.
straight limbs of yoga
This dynamic flow class progresses through straight limbed poses to steady you for hand to big toe pose and side plank, challenging your strength and balance.
loops and spirals
Explore patterns of loops and spirals, and opening the front and back body to create freedom for backbends.
closing and opening
This class explores sequences that close the front of the body in spinal flexion, and open the front of the body in spinal extension.
dolphin swim
Move through hamstring and shoulder opening, coupled with core compression drills that lead into a stable exploration of dolphin pose.
eight angle exploration
Explore the pathway to eight angle pose, creating space in the hips and strength in the core and shoulders.
fly like an eagle
Explore strength in the core, hips and shoulders and take flight in Eagle pose.
front body love
This class organizes around opening the front of the body in preparation for deeper backbends.
relationship to gravity
Explore altering your body position and relationship to gravity to bring new challenge to basic mobility techniques.
passive and active range
Passive and active range of motion drills for the hips and shoulders
all the sticky spots
Increase joint hydration and create fluidity for all of the stick spots – working from the head down to the feet.
started from the bottom
Full body mobility that starts at the bottom and works upward, crossing every joint and increasing range of motion.
savory hips, sweet shoulders
Active range of motion and PNF (increased flexibility) work for the hips, followed by shoulder mobility and strengthening techniques.