online class library
foundational flowing
No surprises in this one. Basic sun salutes, standing poses, backbends and twists. A well rounded foundational practice.
get the wiggles out
This vinyasa class is all about nervous system down regulation. Use the tools of wiggling, shaking and rhythmic movements to find calm in the body and the mind.
a little bit of everything
A full body practice. Side bends to open the ribcage for deeper breathing. Twists to mobilize the spine. Standing poses to open and strengthen the hips. And some gentle backbends to create space in the front body.
climbing the ladder
In this class, we'll repeat sequences and add new poses to each round, climbing our way to to savasana.
gratitude in motion
This one is all about fueling your practice with a bit of gratitude. Work through standing poses, side bends, core work and of course — heart openers.
active range of motion
Work strengthening the hips through standing postures and active range of motion mobility drills.
baby crow flow
Explore spinal flexion, hip opening and shoulder stability in this upbeat flow class that works towards Baby Crow pose.
grounded flow
Explore side body opening and accessing the midline for balance, grounding and stability.
opening out
Explore the impact of opening your awareness on balance postures and seated meditation.
variations flow
Have you ever wondered how to vary your practice based on your energy level, an injury, etc. Explore the many variations available for foundational yoga postures. Choose your own adventure!
surya namaskar breakdown
Find more refinement in your understanding of Surya Namaskar A & B.