online class library
foundational flowing
No surprises in this one. Basic sun salutes, standing poses, backbends and twists. A well rounded foundational practice.
get hip to this
Do your hips need a little TLC? This short but sweet hip mobility class will do the trick.
move into joy
A class that asks you to cast aside your ideas about optimal alignment, yoga rules, and perfect and instead find delight and joy in moment.
floor flow
This short but sweet class works with keeping the center of gravity low while exploring hip opening and backbend poses.
i’m feeling good - hip edition
This short and simple sequence weaves together hip opening postures that will leave your hips singing "I'm feeeeeling good".
get the wiggles out
This vinyasa class is all about nervous system down regulation. Use the tools of wiggling, shaking and rhythmic movements to find calm in the body and the mind.
let the breath guide you
In this class the primary focus moving fluidly with the breath. A short but sweet practice to invigorate you!
a little bit of everything
A full body practice. Side bends to open the ribcage for deeper breathing. Twists to mobilize the spine. Standing poses to open and strengthen the hips. And some gentle backbends to create space in the front body.
multi planar moves
In this hip and spine opening class we’ll explore moving along various planes - front to back, side to side and through rotations.
brush up on the basics
This vinyasa class brushes up on the basics. Move through sun salutes, standing postures and balance poses.
dancing on air
Find the hip and front body opening needed for Dancer's pose in this short flow sequence.
fine tuning
This class focuses first on moving the shoulders through their full range of motion, and then moves downward to open the hip flexors and strengthen the inner thighs.
fluid mobility
Explore mobility work for the spine and hips with a focus on flowing between positions.
focused mobility
Increase range of motion in the shoulders and the hips, using CARs, PAILS and RAILS and hovers.
growth spurt
You might be a little taller after this one. This class challenges you to keep your spine elongated in axial extension through each of the postures.
hello core
Focus on engaging and activating the core before exploring shoulder and hip mobility techniques.
lengthen it all
Create length through the side body and limbs to explore twists and hip openers.