online class library
foundational flowing
No surprises in this one. Basic sun salutes, standing poses, backbends and twists. A well rounded foundational practice.
floor flow
This short but sweet class works with keeping the center of gravity low while exploring hip opening and backbend poses.
trust yourself
Cultivating trust in your body's ability to find balance is the intention behind this hip opening and core stabilizing practice.
get the wiggles out
This vinyasa class is all about nervous system down regulation. Use the tools of wiggling, shaking and rhythmic movements to find calm in the body and the mind.
let the breath guide you
In this class the primary focus moving fluidly with the breath. A short but sweet practice to invigorate you!
back stronger
This 50 minute class explores igniting the muscles along the back of the body. Sequence includes back bends, and movements to strengthen the hips and hamstrings.
a little bit of everything
A full body practice. Side bends to open the ribcage for deeper breathing. Twists to mobilize the spine. Standing poses to open and strengthen the hips. And some gentle backbends to create space in the front body.
gathering to the midline
Bring your focus to the midline in this class that flows through hamstring openers and balance poses. Simple, but not easy!
turn up the heat
This class explores core work and deep twists to catch some air in side crow and eka pada koundinyasana, or hurdlers pose.
lunges galore
No surprises in this class. Work with lunging along various planes to strengthen the legs and hips offering more stability for balance.
standing tall
This shorter format class explores mobility of the spine. Work through lengthening and decompressing the in standing poses and balance postures.
multi planar moves
In this hip and spine opening class we’ll explore moving along various planes - front to back, side to side and through rotations.
climbing the ladder
In this class, we'll repeat sequences and add new poses to each round, climbing our way to to savasana.
begin anew
Heading into the new year with a brush up on the basics. This class explores "hips closed" and "hips open" postures.
brush up on the basics
This vinyasa class brushes up on the basics. Move through sun salutes, standing postures and balance poses.
back bends and binds
This class features spine and shoulder opening to prepare for backbends and binds.
baby crow flow
Explore spinal flexion, hip opening and shoulder stability in this upbeat flow class that works towards Baby Crow pose.