online class library
back stronger
This 50 minute class explores igniting the muscles along the back of the body. Sequence includes back bends, and movements to strengthen the hips and hamstrings.
grounded and centered
A class that focuses on the journey inward. Breathwork, sun salutes, and sequences to cultivate a connection to feeling grounded and centered. Hip openers, binds, an arm balance and some backbends.
gathering to the midline
Bring your focus to the midline in this class that flows through hamstring openers and balance poses. Simple, but not easy!
standing tall
This shorter format class explores mobility of the spine. Work through lengthening and decompressing the in standing poses and balance postures.
begin anew
Heading into the new year with a brush up on the basics. This class explores "hips closed" and "hips open" postures.
concentration - using the 5 allies
Concentrate your awareness on a single point of focus as you move mindfully through hip and shoulder opening.
playing with core stability
Tap deep into your core for stability and move towards side plank in this strengthening sequence.
fly like an eagle
Explore strength in the core, hips and shoulders and take flight in Eagle pose.
goddess flow
This dynamic class focuses on side body lengthening and deep external rotation for the hips.
movement games
This class tasks you with several movement games using a block to strengthen and create more stability in your postures.
slow and steady
Take your time, breathe, and just be as your move through balance poses and build skill for jump throughs.
side body love
Side body stretches, shoulder openers, balance and binding are the crux of this dynamic class.
turning into bow
Explore spinal rotation and shoulder opening as a pathway to back bending.