online class library
hip dominant mobility
You'll need a yoga block and a hand towel for this mobility class that explores active and passive range of motion movements for the hip joints.
trust yourself
Cultivating trust in your body's ability to find balance is the intention behind this hip opening and core stabilizing practice.
draw in, expand out
In this practice you'll focus on energetically drawing inward and expanding outward from the joints and core. Work through stability work that leads into side plank pose, and front body stretches that prepare for camel pose.
more multi-planar moves
Being able to change planes of movement increases our agility, balance and strength. This class explores sequences that move the body rotationally, side to side and forward and back.
functional flow
A vinyasa class that incorporates functional hip hinging, lunges, squats, and rotational movements. Strength and stretch!
straight limbs of yoga
This dynamic flow class progresses through straight limbed poses to steady you for hand to big toe pose and side plank, challenging your strength and balance.
progressive overload
In this class you'll explore various ways to build strength through adding "load" to your yoga postures. Hip openers and core work will prepare you for 8 crooked angle pose, a fun arm balance.
birds of flight
This class focuses on cultivating the side body opening and hip rotation necessary for eagle and crow pose.
push, pull, hinge, squat
This class explores the four functional movement patterns of pushing, pulling, hinging and squatting using a hand held weight.
fine tuning
This class focuses first on moving the shoulders through their full range of motion, and then moves downward to open the hip flexors and strengthen the inner thighs.
fluid mobility
Explore mobility work for the spine and hips with a focus on flowing between positions.
front body love
This class organizes around opening the front of the body in preparation for deeper backbends.
healthy shoulders, hearty hips
Shoulder opening and hip strengthening are the focus of this class.
mermaid tails
Explore thigh stretches, hip openers and backbends leading into mermaid pose.
passive and active range
Passive and active range of motion drills for the hips and shoulders
planks and bows
Gather the tools for the trade as your work towards side plank and bow pose.
mastering the squat
Increase the mobility of the ankles, knee, hips and spine necessary for performing squatting with precision and ease.
swivel and rotate
Combine PAILS and RAILS, CARs, passive range holds and active stretch techniques for the hips, spine and shoulders.