online class library
360 degree breathing
In this class we'll explore the dynamics of intra-abdominal breathing as a tool for accessing the deep core. Move through twists and hip openers to prepare for the arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasana using props.
trust yourself
Cultivating trust in your body's ability to find balance is the intention behind this hip opening and core stabilizing practice.
grounded and centered
A class that focuses on the journey inward. Breathwork, sun salutes, and sequences to cultivate a connection to feeling grounded and centered. Hip openers, binds, an arm balance and some backbends.
straight limbs of yoga
This dynamic flow class progresses through straight limbed poses to steady you for hand to big toe pose and side plank, challenging your strength and balance.
turn up the heat
This class explores core work and deep twists to catch some air in side crow and eka pada koundinyasana, or hurdlers pose.
progressive overload
In this class you'll explore various ways to build strength through adding "load" to your yoga postures. Hip openers and core work will prepare you for 8 crooked angle pose, a fun arm balance.
right around the bend
In this class you’ll move through diagonal lines, side bends, twists and forward folds. Through mobility work and postures you’ll prepare for revolved hand to big toe and camel pose.
give it a whirl
Explore rotation of the spine, tricky balance poses and backbends in this energizing vinyasa practice.
flying high
Hip mobility and hip strength are explored through mobility and standing poses in an effort to capture flying pigeon pose.
power moves
Hip hinging, balance poses, and core strengthening are abundant in this class which works towards jumping from down dog to seated, and single legged backbends.
back bends and binds
This class features spine and shoulder opening to prepare for backbends and binds.
ashtanga inspired
Ashtanga inspired flow class that visits some postures from the primary series including hip openers, back bends and inversions.
changing planes
Move multi-directionally, exploring hip openers to prepare you for half moon and compass pose.
eight angle exploration
Explore the pathway to eight angle pose, creating space in the hips and strength in the core and shoulders.
free form flowing
Explore twists and backbends in this unplanned spontaneous go with the flow practice.
front body love
This class organizes around opening the front of the body in preparation for deeper backbends.
half lotus flow
This class uses creative hip opening sequences to build towards postures that feature half lotus.
hipster flow
Explore external rotation for the hips, and core work to get you ready for flying pigeon pose.
making multi directional moves
Movements along various planes, balance poses and crow pose.
opening out
Explore the impact of opening your awareness on balance postures and seated meditation.