online class library
pulling and trunk stability
Explore using resistance in common yoga postures to challenge trunk stability and build pulling strength.
breathing into balance
Begin with breath meditation and center yourself for strong standing poses, including hand to big toe pose..
push, pull, hinge, squat
This class explores the four functional movement patterns of pushing, pulling, hinging and squatting using a hand held weight.
building blocks
Work through three different blocks of mobility - for the shoulders, the spine, and the hips.
glutes and upper body
Strength building practice that focuses on the glutes and pushing actions for the upper body.
changing planes
Move multi-directionally, exploring hip openers to prepare you for half moon and compass pose.
concentration - using the 5 allies
Concentrate your awareness on a single point of focus as you move mindfully through hip and shoulder opening.
core connector
Explore connection to the core, and how it impacts spinal rotation, balance and backbending.
playing with core stability
Tap deep into your core for stability and move towards side plank in this strengthening sequence.
dancing on air
Find the hip and front body opening needed for Dancer's pose in this short flow sequence.
eight angle exploration
Explore the pathway to eight angle pose, creating space in the hips and strength in the core and shoulders.
fine tuning
This class focuses first on moving the shoulders through their full range of motion, and then moves downward to open the hip flexors and strengthen the inner thighs.
upper and lower body resistance flow
Explore progressive overload through upper and lower body movements using bands, dumbbells, and blocks.
fluid mobility
Explore mobility work for the spine and hips with a focus on flowing between positions.
fly like an eagle
Explore strength in the core, hips and shoulders and take flight in Eagle pose.
focused mobility
Increase range of motion in the shoulders and the hips, using CARs, PAILS and RAILS and hovers.
free form flowing
Explore twists and backbends in this unplanned spontaneous go with the flow practice.